Happy at the office
Did you know that the blind and people with a physical disability or epilepsy have to wait up to two years before they are assigned a guide dog? This is why the Hachiko association calls on volunteers to train suitable dogs.
One of these volunteers is our Managing Director Ann. Indeed, she has trained a dog for both Hachiko and Friends of the Blind. The first for a wheelchair user and the second for a person with a visual impairment. The second dog accompanies his owner daily from his home in Kortrijk to his work in Brussels. Fun detail: the man is now following a master's degree in law.
Happy, a golden retriever with a perfect pedigree, is Ann's dog. As a puppy she went through the Hachiko training. The guide dogs in training with Ann imitate Happy's example. Happy has to keep quiet during office hours, but finding a volunteer to let her out is never a problem.
In addition to socializing guide dogs, Jacon Legal has also provided financial support to Hachiko and Friends of the Blind.